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The CoTraiN Methodological Guide is available here.
The Methodological Guide is accompanied by a CoTrain video, presenting the perspectives of different actors of the project – apprentices, employers, ministry representatives, mentors… To view this video, click here !
The CoTraiN Project
Dual training is a system that allows apprentices to receive training both in training centers and in a work environment.
Although this system allows students to learn a trade both theoretically and with practical training, it does have certain weaknesses. Both the qualified apprentices and the companies (SMEs) may be confronted with certain skill inadequacies.
One explanation for this is the fact that the system resorts to a classic apprenticeship model: “one apprentice, one company”, which does not always (or often does not) cover all of the facets of a trade or allow for enough training in real working conditions.
For example, many youths enrolled in butchery-delicatessen will find a dual training program in a company that is only active in butchery. These youths will learn the delicatessen trade in a training center, but the practical experience will not be the same as that acquired within a company. This leads to problems regarding recruitment of skilled professionals.
Moreover, in this “classic” model, the field of competences covered by the training will vary, depending on the activities of a company, its size, work organization and habits, as well as the number of spots available for apprentices.
A collaborative training program… why not?
There is another way to conceive dual training: a collaborative training program, which allies at least two companies, allows for a greater complementarity of activities for the learner, to cover all of the skills required by the trade.
This type of system exists, with certain variations, in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These three countries are considered as models regarding dual training.
In a reflection on how to improve the quality of dual training, the CEPAG submitted the “CoTraiN” project, which was accepted in the Erasmus+ program (with European co-financing). The project was launched on September 1st 2016, and will last three years.
In this initiative, the CEPAG has a triple role to play: the coordination of the project as a whole between the Belgian and European partners, the construction of the project based on research-action (a typical methodology in the field of permanent education), and the elaboration of a methodological tool.
The objective of the research-action is the production of a methodology, which will help develop collaborative training and, based on this, a methodological guide and a didactic video.
CoTraiN’s target audience consists of training centers, first and foremost. The project also targets sector-specific funding, as well as social partners.
Partners :
The CEPAG coordinates the project and the research-action.
One German partner ant one Austrian partner will coach the three Belgian partners and one Italian partner to develop pilot projects and networks.
The coaches :
- INAB, German dual training center for youths, connected to BWF, a network of national training centers, connectd to the DGB (Germany).
- OIBF, Austrian institute dor research in professional training, tripartite.
The training centers which will construct pilot networks of collaborative training :
- CENTOFORM, Italian orientation and professionnal training institute
- IFAPME, Walloon institute of dual training and the sel-employed and SMEs, in direct collaboration with the IFAPME MBC, Mons establishment
- CEFA, of Court-Saint-Etienne
CoTraiN productions :
The project partners will collectively participate in the production of the methodological guide, which will be available to download online, as well as the didactic video, which will go with it.
News :
Here soon, the latest news concerning the CoTraiN projects, the major steps in its development, achievements as well as invitations to upcoming events.
To be informed, by e-mail, of CoTraiN's latest news, send directly "Yes, newsletter" to cotraincepag [dot] be !
Contacts :
To contact the coordination of the project : cotraincepag [dot] be